Software & Data Carpentry Instructor Training for South Africans
The next round of carpentry instructor training, funded through the Department of Higher Education and Training's Rural Campus Connectivity Project II grant, is for people who are already using tools such as R, Python, Shell, Git, Matlab.
It will run from 21 to 23 February in Kleinmond, South Africa. This training event will teach people how teaching and learning work, specifically if they work with novices to computing. It does not teach the tools themselves.
Please see the advertisement for more information.
For more information about Software, Data, and Library Carpentry, please see:
- Software Carpentry (typically for people who develop research software as part of their research/work/studies):
- Data Carpentry (typically for people who analyse data as part of their research/work/studies):
- Library Carpentry (typically for librarians who want to learn new ways of supporting researchers and being more productive in their work):
The workshop is primarily for South African nationals, but if space permits, we will be able to accommodate applicants from other regions.
More information and the application form link are available here. Please add as much information to the application form as possible to help the organisers understand why you would be a good candidate for the training.